Treating Flies

Mothballs for Drain Flies: Do They Work?

Mothballs, which contain 1,4-Dichlorobenzene or naphthalene, may eliminate adults flies. However, drain flies lay eggs and feed on the organic buildup in pipes. A less toxic approach would be to remove the breeding ground. This helps ensure total eradication without exposure to harsh chemical vapors. Understandably, some homeowners like to try out different DIY methods. […]

Mothballs for Drain Flies: Do They Work? Read More »

How is Gentrol IGR Used for Drain Flies?

Gentrol IGR is an insect growth regulator that effectively breaks the insect life cycle. It can help treat drain fly infestations by controlling the population and prevent fly maturation. This spray should be combined with other treatments methods. Developed by Zoëcon® products, Gentrol’s purpose is to control insects by interfering with normal development. This includes

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